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Nexperia new partner paralympic TeamNL House

Nexperia new partner paralympic TeamNL House

六月 19, 2024

Nijmegen -- Today, Nexperia announced the partnership with the paralympic TeamNL House during the Games, this summer, in Paris. The company chooses to support paralympic sport and wants to actively contribute to inclusivity in a broad sense, also as an employer.

Nexperia's tech products are in just about every consumer device we hold in our hands every day. The company's chips are also relevant for sports technology – from training equipment to measuring instruments. The company has around 14,000 employees worldwide; at the Dutch head office, there are more than 400. During the Paralympic Games, Nexperia will be visible in the TeamNL house and in expressions around it.

Jean Pierre Kempeneers, Chief Corporate Affairs of Nexperia: "We are an international company with a proud Dutch heart. The values of TeamNL and the Paralympians, in particular, are very similar to those of TeamNexperia, such as passion, professionalism and performance. We therefore want to wholeheartedly support the new full-fledged TeamNL House that will be there for the first time during the Paralympic Games." 

Marc van den Tweel, Managing Director of NOC*NSF: "It is great that a company like Nexperia, well-known in the Netherlands and with such global significance, is committed to the paralympic TeamNL House. This house and the program we offer in it connects paralympic sport with society on themes such as the shortage in the labour market and innovation. So we warmly welcome Nexperia as a supporter of the sport."

Read the official NOC*NSF Press Release (in Dutch)

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