




氮化鎵場效應晶體管(GaN FET)





16-bit bus transceiver; 3-state

The 74ABT16245B-Q100 is a 16?-?bit transceiver with 3?-?state outputs. The device can be used as two 8?-?bit transceivers or one 16?-?bit transceiver. The device features two output enables (1OE and 2OE) each controlling eight outputs, and two send/receive (1DIR and 2DIR) inputs for direction control. A HIGH on nOE causes the outputs to assume a high?-?impedance OFF?-?state. This device is fully specified for partial power down applications using IOFF. The IOFF circuitry disables the output, preventing the potentially damaging backflow current through the device when it is powered down.

This product has been qualified to the Automotive Electronics Council (AEC) standard Q100 (Grade 3) and is suitable for use in automotive applications.


Features and benefits

  • Automotive product qualification in accordance with AEC-Q100 (Grade 3)

    • Specified from -40 °C to +85 °C

  • Supply voltage range from 4.5 to 5.5 V

  • BiCMOS high speed and output drive

  • Direct interface with TTL levels

  • 16-bit bidirectional bus interface

  • Multiple VCC and GND pins minimize switching noise

  • Power-up 3-state

  • 3-state buffers

  • Output capability: +64 mA and -32 mA

  • Live insertion/extraction permitted

  • IOFF circuitry provides partial Power-down mode operation

  • Latch-up performance exceeds 500 mA per JESD 78 Class II Level B

  • ESD protection:

    • HBM JESD22-A114E exceeds 2000 V

    • CDM JESD22-C101C exceeds 1000 V


下表中的所有產品型號均已停產 。

型號 可訂購的器件編號,(訂購碼(12NC)) 狀態(tài) 標示 封裝 外形圖 回流焊/波峰焊 包裝
74ABT16245BDGG-Q100 74ABT16245BDGG-Q1J
Obsolete no package information


下表中的所有產品型號均已停產 。

型號 可訂購的器件編號 化學成分 RoHS RHF指示符
74ABT16245BDGG-Q100 74ABT16245BDGG-Q1J 74ABT16245BDGG-Q100 rohs rhf rhf

文檔 (4)

文件名稱 標題 類型 日期
74ABT16245B_Q100 16-bit bus transceiver; 3-state Data sheet 2017-04-10
abt16245b abt16245b IBIS model IBIS model 2013-04-08
74ABT16245BDGG-Q100_Nexperia_Product_Reliability 74ABT16245BDGG-Q100 Nexperia Product Reliability Quality document 2024-06-16
abt16 abt16 Spice model SPICE model 2013-05-07


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文件名稱 標題 類型 日期
abt16245b abt16245b IBIS model IBIS model 2013-04-08
abt16 abt16 Spice model SPICE model 2013-05-07

How does it work?

The interactive datasheets are based on the Nexperia MOSFET precision electrothermal models. With our interactive datasheets you can simply specify your own conditions interactively. Start by changing the values of the conditions. You can do this by using the sliders in the condition fields. By dragging the sliders you will see how the MOSFET will perform at the new conditions set.

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